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OGDEN HOUSE, Fairfield, 1750
1520 Bronson Road, Fairfield

The saltbox house was built in 1750 for David Ogden at the time of his of his marriage to Jane Sturges. For the next 125 years it was home for the Ogden family in the farming and coastal shipping town of Fairfield. The property once included nearly 75 acres of farmland and several outbuildings.
The house is furnished with everyday objects, including copper barrels, iron pieces used in the hearth, flax and wool wheels, several mirrors, glassware, textiles, rope beds, and fine pieces of furniture from the Fairfield Museum’s collection. Reproductions are also located throughout the rooms, including samples of real flax, children’s toys, and hanging herbs in the garret and hearth. The 1750 Ogden House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. |

