Structural Products & Services, Stairlifts Furniture, Clocks,
Reclaimed Stone Materials
Woodwork, Blinds,
Floors & Rugs
Paint & Wallpaper Pottery & Tile
Period Hardware Antiques, Folk Art,
Fine Art, Auction Houses
Interior Design & Architecture
Silver, Cookware, Pewter
Historic Hotels |
Let me introduce myself. My name is Roger Malone and I grew up in New England—born and raised in Connecticut. Growing up, I spent many summers in northern Maine with my grandparents. My grandfather worked in a lumber mill his entire life and taught me about woodworking as a child.
My father was a machinist who did woodworking and built the house I grew up in. I guess you can say my family has a history of working with their hands. My passion for craftsmanship started with wood boats and developed into the enthusiasm for Cape and Half Cape houses and custom cabinets I create today.
Bead Board Cottages are not cookie-cutter homes. They are homes I myself adore, a style I have dedicated myself to getting just right. It’s a passion for all things New England that gets me going every day. |
Have you ever seen the morning light coming through a window, shining on a Windsor rocking chair on a pumpkin pine floor next to ahydrangea bursting with color on a warm summer day or smelled thetang of the ocean salt air along withthe smell of wood burning in a fireplace on a chilly day?
Bead Board Cottages expresses my love of Half Cape and Cape style homes. The cedar shakes, the multi-plane windows, the pea-stone gravel driveways, and the Windsor chairs made by today’s craftsmen.
Bead Board Collages has been an idea of mine for many years. When I was young, I had a chance to tour a Cape style home that was totally renovated by a great architectural designer, who really opened my eyes to what could be done with a Cape style home.
With so many ways to expand and make it your own, the possibilities of a Cape or Half Cape home are endless.
With my love for what is essentially New England, I feel fortunate that I’ve been able to make a career out of what I am really passionate about. |
Roger Madore

