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        by Fred Brehant

   This Spring, it’s as if I stepped back in time to 1776 at the old Blacksmith and Woodwright shops. My love for American history has led me to meet many folks and groups with the same passion of preserving the past for future generations. One of these groups is Sheldon’s Horse, The Second Continental Light Dragoons. This Army regiment was formed under the command of Colonel Elisha Sheldon in December of 1776 at the direct request of General Washington. One of many interesting facts is that Sheldon’s Horse was never officially disbanded, making it unique among all Continental regiments. They now participate in historical reenactments and educational activities.

     In the 1970’s, an archaeological dig occurred at an encampment area where Sheldon’s Horse was stationed in 1776. The dig unearthed a combination tool designed specifically for the Dragoons, which was used to maintain their muskets. After this tool was found, a copy was forged to replicate it before the original was tucked away in a local museum.
Which brings me to this Spring, as I was commissioned to create hand forged copies of the 1970’s replication that could be used by the reenactment group. What a unique and interesting project crafting a tool that was used to secure the freedoms we have today.

   That project led to another interesting project for the same reenactment group. They requested that I duplicate a camp table that would have been used in the Dragoons’ camps during 1776. This table would fold so it could easily be transported. It was an enjoyable challenge to recreate a true piece of our past. I look forward to many more interesting jobs like these, as they help to connect us to our past.



Fred and his wife, Terry, are owners of F. Brehant Village Blacksmiths & Woodwright, LLC.
For more information visit
For more information on Sheldon’s Horse visit

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