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   From the Editor

    Back in 2013, the idea was to have an online magazine for people with a bottomless yen for oldConnecticut houses and all the great period things that go with them. Our motto came from Emerson: “Draw out of the past genuine life for the present hour.”

   Normally my editorial is towards the end of every issue, but for this, our 5th Anniversary Edition, I wanted to open up the festivities with thanks to all you readers, contributors, and advertisers who have kept us rolling these first five years. Together we have fed on the authentic in organic space and time. The space is Old Connecticut and the time is lived forwards butunderstood backwards.

   Old house restorers, along with furniture makers, post-and beam builders, potters, quilters, iron-crafters, and others, stood together with writers and artists to make this happen. Dorothy and Richard Pratt talk in their 1956 book A Guide to Early American Homes North about “the scrupulous workmanship of the Connecticut carpenter.  No builders in America had better woods to work with or were better able to work them; no builders in America left more enduring and delightful examples of colonial skill.”

   Let us all go on enjoying this happy, inspiring simplicity for many years to come.


                                                                                                            Max H. Peters

                                                                                                           Publisher and Editor

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